Why You Fail At Bow Drill Friction Fire
Bow drill friction fire success may be something that has escaped you so far. You may have a hard time getting that bow and drill ember to form. You may be getting lots of smoke but still no ember. As someone who is very experienced at friction fire and being a friction fire instructor, I may have the answer to your lack of bow and drill friction fire success. I really want you to succeed at bow and drill fire and reach that level of independence that can only come from finally achieving that elusive long time friction fire goal. It is such an indescribable feeling of accomplishment to succeed at bow and drill and I want to help you.
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Hello my name is Lonnie and My wife is Connie.
Here at Far North Bushcraft And Survival you will learn about many long forgotten tricks and tips of the old time woodsmen. Not only will you learn about bushcraft / woodcraft but you will learn many things that will help you to survive in less than ideal "survival" situations as well. Come along and sit with me by the campfire as I delve into these subjects in a way that you can easily learn to then do yourself.
I will show you how to make shelters, gather food, use wild medicines as well as start fires with or without matches, lighters, ferro rods, etc
Tags: Far North Bushcraft And Survival,bushcraft,Survival,Alaska,bow and drill,bow and drill friction fire,bow drill friction fire,bow drill fire,bow and drill method fire,best wood for friction fire,how to make a bow and drill,bow and drill friction fire set,bow and drill fire making,bow and drill fire starting
Video Transcription
Hello welcome to another video from far north bushcraft and survival. I am really glad that you joined me My name is Lonnie and behind the camera is my wife Connie I've done a lot of videos on friction fire and other primitive fire techniques, but What I go into great detail on how to select the right wood The best wood how to find the best perfect wood for bow drill But there's a lot of people Still having problems with bow drill bow and drill friction fire And I think it may be because they haven't got exactly the best wood Okay, so what can you do. Stay with me? Alright so a lot of people are still having problems with friction fire, and I think the key issue is pressure Now what do I mean by pressure? How is that a problem? Okay
People may think you know they're not strong enough to apply enough pressure But I think it seems to be men just as much as it is women or children who are having problems with this So it's not a problem of not being able to apply enough pressure and in fact I think maybe a problem of applying too much pressure So let me go into a little more detail here with a friction fire set We'll lube this up a little bit Okay, I think what might be happening is That
people are
Maybe applying too much pressure and in doing so They're grinding out that dust kicking out that dust before it has a chance really to heat up hot enough perhaps I'm not sure exactly what's going on it may be
there's a bit of dampness in the wood and You're grinding it out so fast that the wood doesn't have a chance to dry out or
It doesn't have
It doesn't have a chance to heat up and it may not be heating up because it's too damp well
Okay, I'm gonna the pressure that I apply when I'm doing When I'm trying to get an ember will call that 100% pressure that's the that's the maximum amount of pressure that I'm applying Okay, well what we're gonna do here is we're gonna start out applying around Let's say 60% pressure, and we're gonna work at that quite a while The the object here is not speed the object is success Okay now we're just gonna work along here building up some Hot dust and we're gonna heat up the set here through friction We're not trying to get an ember right now We're just heating it up Like I said, I'm applying maybe around Medium pressure, maybe around 60 65 percent pressure I'm wanting to start building up a little bit of black dust around the base of the Base of the spindle and it looks like we're starting to do that it's looking good and black Now when it's looking black that means that it's
Coming out fairly hot Okay
We're seeing some smoke now, and that's a good sign so Now I'm gonna up the pressure to About let's say 80% What I'm doing here is building up a little more heat a little more dust Getting it ready for the final push. Okay, that should be good, so Yeah, we have plenty We have plenty of Dust and actually
We've got an ember So that shows you the Importance of
Not applying too much pressure too soon I Didn't even get to the part. You know I didn't even start Putting a lot of pressure on it and going fast We had an ember before that all right now a Lot of people work real hard At producing an ember bow-drill you see them just Working really hard at it and I'm gonna apply a little bit of punk wood here to Give it a little extra boost While we're waiting for that to Heat up more I'll talk a little bit here If you're really working hard at, at your bow drill chances are
You're doing something wrong It's really shou..... It really shouldn't be that hard to do bow drill you should be able to do ember after ember after ember. It should be fairly Low low effort so Let's go ahead and blow this into flame There we go
So hopefully
You're able to see in this video. It's kind of hard to demonstrate How much pressure I'm applying? But hopefully my description helped you out if you're having troubles with doing
friction fire bow drill try giving it lighter pressure and Working at it for a while you know do..... Speed is not the goal Success is the goal well, thanks for joining me and we'll see you on the next video and You guys take care. Have a good week if you enjoyed this video be sure and give it a thumbs up and to share it as well as Subscribe, so you don't miss any more and check out these suggested videos here. Thank you
About the Author

Far North Bushcraft And Survival
Far North Bushcraft And Survival will teach you about many long forgotten tricks and tips of the old time woodsmen. Not only will you learn about bushcraft / woodcraft but you will learn many things that will help you to survive in a less than ideal "survival" situations as well.
You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.
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