First Snow And A Hot Cup Of Tea In My Little Bushcraft Camp [I speak!]
First Snow And A Hot Cup Of Tea In My Little Bushcraft Camp [I speak!]
Tags: bushcraft,survival,trekking,wandern,hiking,holiday,travel,urlaub,reisen,abenteuer,adventure,kochen,cooking,essen,genießen,kitchen,küche,camping,outdoor,natur,nature,gopro,sony,nikon,fotografie
Video Transcription
hello folks and welcome here in the middle of the nature I am bushcraft bear and you can see with fresh fallen snow and this morning I thought I will take you with me and I will take you into the forest I will make a little shelter fire cook a cup of tea spruce needle tea and it will be amazing so come on and join me it's always amazing when you are the first person here in the woods before me I can see all the tracks from the animals it's bit foggy today because it's not really cold it's warm actually it's about zero degrees Celsius and I think the snow will melt today this afternoon all the snow will be gone so that's why I got up early this morning to get the chance Wow many deer tracks here I show you a few weeks ago I had built a shelter here in the forest and now I'm looking for it hopefully I can find it the forest here is so huge you easily can get lost here ah there it is hey looks good it's a very small shelter it's just for to sit in front of it here you can make fire and then you have it cozy and herb are
okay I'm ready I collected some wood for my Hobo stove here it is different kind of branches very thin one a little bit thicker and this one's that will give some heat that's my breakfast for today some bread and cheese and water for a tea that's my little fire kit here some matches and today I'm using this tissue here soaked with bees wax [Applause]
sheis a very hot but very good now I will grill some cheese here this is sticky I put a cube of cheese on top here krill it in the flames and the cheese will melt and get crispy outside look at that my friends okay my friends that's it for today and I will take the chance to say thank you very much for all your kind comments for all your support and I wish you a very nice and beautiful winter time with some snow and that you will find some time to go out into the forest and have a great time there okay we will see us in another video good bye you
About the Author

Bushcraft Bear
Welcome to Bushcraft Bear´s Channel! My videos are about Bushcraft, Survival, Cooking in the Woods and Wildlife.
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