Bush Craft - Spoon Carving In Thunderstorm , Custom Leathercrafts - HD Video
Hello guys this is Nick from HF Survival School and today we will be doing some crafts , stuff that I really like and enjoy , hope you like it ! Thank you everyone for your support, for your likes , shares and kind comments which I love to respond to. You can view this video in Full HD 1080p
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Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,woodsman,how to carve a spoon,spoon carving,leathercraft,bush craft,101,hf survival school,survival,zed outdoors,mcqbushcraft,spoon carving in thunderstorm,custom leather,ben orford,crook knife,spoon knife
Video Transcription
hello guys is Nick from Winchester our school and Max of course so I was able to come back in the mountains I had a really harsh two weeks of mid-semester exams at university and of course when I ended it I went back to the mountains so I'm back here in my Beachwood forest where I have my chair which I made in the summer and I have moved it a little bit about 10 or 20 meters next to this my car down tree and today we will be doing some spoon carving and I will be showing you guys some of my leader craft the leader craft and some of the projects which I have been doing while sitting at home so I have moved this chair next to this log and it is pretty short but really this will this was the best option to do some carving and I will turn this place into my carving place so I'll be coming back here because this is so this place is all on angle and it is pretty bad for slipping on the ground so I will be very come back in here for an overnight maybe well when I will be able to get a hammock and do some hanger camping here because it is a perfect place for that and without that I will be doing some tinkering and other woodworking projects in here because this is a really peaceful place there are also a lot of birds which is a big food forests and beaches a really good wood for spoon carving and other projects also because it is really easy to carve one green and when it dries out it is very hard so now I will cut one one piece we proved by which I think could be good for making a spoon and I'll be right back but so guys I was able to harvest this big piece of food with my ex and it was a leftover from the woodworkers about in 100 meters from me we talk talking wounded as you see it has started to dry out on the side but on the inside it is both weight loss that maybe that means it is filled with and that means it will be preferred for all for now I thought the boot originally but now I'm trying to throw it in the middle and make a knife length so guard as you see I saw the fists in half and now the next part is to split it in half and then again half and then we can now start carving the spoon because we will be left with a spoon blank now it started to get quite cloudy and it doesn't look that good and the forecast says 100% Wayne but that's why I brought my tarp with me so that there is nothing that can mess up my session force to the spoon carving and I can finish it without any problems so if it starts to rain I'll quickly set up my tarp and I'll be safe from the rain so now let's split this in half so now that looks great and now I will put it like this and then like this there we have a perfect spoon blank now I can take a little bit more from this side it would be really better to take my small hatchet with me but I didn't take the small hatchet because I am only for a few days up here and I didn't want to take too much stuff and I need this big X on my tomorrow three this splits end up like a goat right here so now I will solve that piece like that and now we are left with a nice blank oh I think it has processed its way so I will put up my house so guys just like that I messed up with it it started to rain very seriously very quickly it was like this and it was all raining so I really underestimated the distance but I was able to put out the tarp put up the tarp but we see now it is late it is just dripping a little so now let's continue its phone calling so I think the rock blank is ready and I want to make the shape like this kind of like a shape so now I will make a small saw cut right here and a small socket right here so that I can remove the material from like this and like this and I'll have the kind of head shape also I forgot to take water with me I filled up the canteen and whoever left it all so I put this a guideline which I had with me on this loop I cinch this down and so that all the water goes there and put this string inside my pot and this way all of the water will collect in the pot and as you see we have some water I need to be careful not to go to this [Laughter]
just like that Ted looks great now I'll put a small cuts also over here so that should be enough so this will be my spawn sighs I'm pretty sadly I didn't took any kind of drawing a pencil or a pen to draw the rough shape of this one and I have to in a car with like this so I will cut this like this and I will cut the center like this now I regret not taking the small ax [Music]
now I'm coming now into the part where we need to remove this part like this and excited like this I think I should go in here saw Andrew help you
now let me emphasize [Music]
so that is somewhat good and now all the side
soft petals not it is not a bad-looking but I think it is to do the job for now so now let's get to of removing these materials and the sides and give it a little bit more scandal so where I was able to collect a small amount of water I don't know you conceded and I was also able to collect a few tickets a few bucks and a few worms inside the water but I really I want to drink water for battery and I was still drink it but I will try to remove a few of this Fox you know just in case that felt good hope it rains more and I will be able to collect some more water so now let's continue carving our spoon I took a piece of cloth from my previous campsite and I will draw my rough shape of the spoon with this so now that somewhat gives me a rough idea of where I need to place the cuts so if the hope that makes sense now I'll make two cuts one here and one here so we can remove the material with our axe and remember guys this is my first spoon well not to wear first because I did a test run of a small tea spoon but it was a real bad wood from my yard next to my apartment and this is a relief first proper try at carving a eating spoon he doesn't like that he cuts a little bit off but I'm sure I will be able to fix it fix that now let's remove the material with our X [Music]
double let's go outside [Music]
now let's round out the rough edges and then we can go to carving it with our knives because the more material I remove with my ex the less work will I have to do with my knife so guys just like that
I think I finished my ex work with our course I could continue working with it if I was not a noob with and not a beginner with my hack skills so now let's continue with it with our knife I will do the first carving with my Mora 510 which I will allow the net as it looks it will rain again I think this grip which some people called the chicken wings grip is pretty powerful and a pretty good grip for a job which I'm doing now and that is removing a lot of materials and therefore I need a little power cuts now I'll do this grip which is a little powerful group and if you do it perfect with you won't cut yourself
and just like that you started to rain again
ugly some will prepare the roof that wonderful guy with all the Condor filled the hole every way next here to try to sleep in here is quite windy weather over four five six quite big win every single watt so what regret is that very often now having a hammock and sleeping inside an amateur this we're working on don't know car wink and I'm really enjoying it but one thing will mess up my mood I just realized that I forgot all of my memory card enrollment on this memory card I have at about two minutes left
so that will mess up my plans because I wanted also to carve a statue over here and show you guys some little props here so now I have to continue filming are in the spoon and after the memory card is full I have to go home in this rain so all that is pretty messed up now the wind will be still for like two three hours and my foot plan originally was to carve more stuff and to keep on filming and until the rain stopped but now I have to work the common way my plans always up to do so as you see I protect good at this moment so now I need to remove some more material and then I will go to carving out the actual spoon park that your ball or whatever it is called with my smell but first I need to bring it a little bit more closer to the final shape
I finished carving the rough edge of the spoon and I think I am pretty satisfied with it at this moment and now with the time to carve out the actual ball and for that I have a word special tool a crook knife made by Spain or fourth from the United Kingdom I overhead the more up to Mora Hawk knife in my shopping charts for a long long time like over a year and I built quite as I was able to find the $25.00 to buy it I had to buy more important stuff and in this month there were a few generals subscribers were able to donate some money to me and they helped me out very much and I was able to buy this - and I was advised by my friends which are really good spoon covers kind of professional spoon spoon car wars to not buy the more of Oakland I can add the money and get this is instead because it is all one tool still and it is mirror sharp and has only one bevel and I mean it doesn't have a bevel because the more of hook knife has double bevel and you don't really need that tent that way it is more versatile and I would like to thank those subscribers who helped me out very much so now let's get to carloon the bowl man it cuts like butter make sure to go across the grain with your spoon knife and make sure to keep your thumb out of the way to not cut it so have about one minute left on my camera so I have to save a little bit more so I will check with you guys when I finish carving this fall just like that I messed up my spoon when I was carving it this part snapped off and it didn't came out quite the way I wanted but overall I like the shape of it when the form of it and now I'll take it home and do some sanding but I wanted to show you my little crafts in this video so now let's go home because I have like 20 seconds left on my memory cards and I'll show you my leader crafts from there
so guys these are some of the crafts I have been making while being at home so let's start with the X on my X I have made the next color like this as you see the beautiful X color which has been already used and an X mask I made 2 X masks this one is for sale and this is my personal one as you see this one has breasts or rivets and I'll have high quality usa-made snaps so they are covered with beeswax the ads are burnished as you see as you see and it will fit your photo for squashing classic styling X perfectly the next item I have been making is this wet molded opinel sheath for your belt it is covered with beeswax also as you see it is burnished beautifully and it has a really nice fit in it which will get better and better after more use then this is my personal one this is my Ferro rod belt loop as you see this is the design I came up with and has you see it is burnished cover with covered with beeswax and all of these items are tied by me and now I don't have access to those alcohol-based ties so I have to improvise and use some water-based dyes which are not as effective as you see it came off a little bit after use but I think it looks even better and I just love this rustic look and it will fit 1/2 inch thick farad's with no problem and you are you guys and I hope you guys remember the original design of mine which I had oh but the problem we do that was because it was her come down coming down like this it was impossible to take it out with one hand but this eliminates that problem you can take it out with one hand and the project that I'm most happy about is this belt sheath for my kudamon mt5 as you see it is wet molded and it has a perfect fit
it's got a little bit dirty after use it is covered with beeswax and really I had a crappy home - leader piece which I was throwing away but I decided to give it a try and make a sheath for myself and as you see it came out just great it is just beautiful as a burnished edges covered with natural beeswax now I have a few of these ferals birth loops all of these items are for sale except the ones which I made for myself so this X mask is for sale this opener sheath I have two or three of these Ferrer the belt loops and I can also make custom shifts or for your knives so now I will be taking some custom orders if you will want to do so I can make everything from the items which I have I so I can make sheaths for your Mora knives I can make shit for your kudamon I can also make a mask for the holder who squander hatchet the holder for sex and other items which I have in my own gear so that I can make them fit properly so we could be interested to get one of these items for yourself
you can check it out on my facebook group which is called nix crafts so guys this is the spoon which we have made yesterday and as you see it is asymmetrical I snapped a little bit from here so destroyed all of my hard work I hold out
also on this handle so can I have so that I can have a better fit as you saying and here is the spoon and I think for a first spoon it came out quite not bad
what do you think tell me in the comments below one thing I need to work on his
smoothing out this ball part with my hook knife because as you see it is pretty rough and every place which I could smooth with my regular knife I could smooth not smooth it and also on these places it with this materiality it is quite thin on display so I didn't wanted to make it to destroy this spoon so I just left it like this tell me in the comments below about how did you like my little craft and really I'm a beginner I just started a few months ago and I just got the proper proper tools over like a few weeks ago but I'm really proud of my work and I think they look not bad and as other people told me I have a good potential so if you want to help out the channel you can buy this same kind of little projects or make orders with me or just to me or Finch how will make a custom make them for you and all of the items which I have already made are available for sale on my Facebook group and if you see that there you will see also the crisis if you are interested so I started to sell this leather goods because I don't know how much you heard about it but there is this youtube boycott going on so at this moment I'm not earning any any money from you to buy a morning like a few cents a day so that is like nothing in month so I'm having a pretty hard times and the last month it was like this but with the help of very few general subscribers I was able to make it through or the last month and I was really thankful to them and all of their support so if you wish to support the channel and support me and support what I do you can do that and I'm getting smoked out from my own shelter so if you want to support my channel and make me and helped me out making more with those more often and to upgrade my quality and if you are too available to do so you will have more much if you support me on patreon and you really don't need to support whether it be the big amounts one or two dollars with work and when a few people like you will do the same thing and donate one or two dollars it will some it will help me a lot and I will include the link all the important links down in the description so if you wish to support me check it out and also if you are not able to do so just drop a like and drop a comment and you will make me more happy and you will make motivate me to do more videos so I hope you guys enjoy that video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up subscribe to my youtube channel and share this video on your social media new videos coming as soon as I can thank you for watching and have a nice day
About the Author

HF Survival School
Hello , if you are interested in Hunting , Fishing , Survival , Bushcraft or Shooting than this channel is for you. Here you will see survival tips , bushcraft skills , survival kits , product reviews and shooting tests.
I am not a bushcraft/survival expert in any mean , I am just a regular guy who loves to go out in the woods , have fun and learn something along the way with you guys :)
I am the first bushcrafter in my country and try my best to gain knowledge in wilderness living skills and survival , so that one day I will be able to live of the grid , live in the bush or maybe just go on a long term trip for a few months.
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