Mystical easter egg and Adventure food review.
Trying out dehydrated hiking food from Adventure foods and opening the mystical Easter egg i found! hope you like it! please subscribe.
GoodVibes! GOODVIBES!! =)
Tags: Review,easter,egg,bushcraft,fishing,hike,nature,good,vibes,food,cooking,adventure,dehydrate,coffe,chillout,norway
Video Transcription
all right doing just a quick little video today I'm not here at my one of my fishing spots we're going to do review today I ordered some of these online adventure foods expedition equality for intense outdoor activities then I found this stuffed in my hiking boots this morning easter egg haven't opened it yet excited to see what's inside so I'm going to open that at the end of the video so tag along [Applause]
all right let's add water stir well let it stand for eight minutes eat it out of the pouch so then we wait wait for the dump your food to rehydrate I'm going to fish a bit maybe I'll catch something today I usually don't at this lake but we're gonna try anyway ok I would say that was about eight minutes let's try this stuff out rehydrated pasta carbonara
well I guess I could survive on this stuff if I had to about this will not be my choice of camping food that's for sure a bad it's not good either I would prefer trout that's sure how to draw from the laker but I guess they're they're easy to text take along if you go hiking the way almost nothing for longer hikes I guess I could use this stuff instead of bringing my camps or heavy stuff I would rate this like three out of ten good wives tree out of them could be some better wives in there for sure
maybe some spices hey it's really bland real home with us or not have to eat it don't waste food for the price I paid for it I guess it's gonna be like ten eleven dollars so yeah it's up to you if you think it's worth it there has to be some better alternatives of this now for the moment I've been waiting for all day I'm going to open the easter egger from this morning let's open it with Lee that's so cute with chickens on there oh man alcohol chocolate especially screams Oh Jagermeister mr. Candy's oh this definitely rate high on The Good Wife scale this is like a 10 out of 10 so thank you I know who you are gave me this notice a nice price I'll try to suck her out jaeger power this is good stuff cheers guys thanks for watching and see you again next time good wives good [Music]
About the Author

This channel is devoted to the good vibes in nature.
Hiking, Fishing, Camping, Bushcraft, Outside cooking, Exploring, Reviews, Adventure and learning about all the exiting things to do outdoors.
So please check out my videos, and if you like what you see subscribe,share and comment. More videos will come your way soon! =)
Good Vibes, GOOD VIBES!!
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