SOLO overnight w/Tarp, Fire-making, cooking, fishing. my first time ever!
Come along as i loose my virginity as a bushcraft tarp camper, Overnight, Fire-making, Barbecue pork chops and fish trout. Early spring forest. Norway. GoodVibes! =)
Dont forget to subscribe! =) Cheers! John..
Tags: Bushcraft,Camping,Tarp,Fishing,trout,Survival,Fisherman,Bushcrafter,Nature,spring,forest,Enjoy,life,learning,Peaceful,amateur,novice,noob,beer,brew,ipa,hansa,firesteel,fire,campfire,catchandrelease,cold,sleepingbag,bird,sounds,featherstick,birch,bark,virginity,firstever,frozen,Norway,norwegian,norwegen,tarpcamp,firepit,pee,pea,soup,bacon,meat,saltedmeat,can,wv,golf,joerobinet,scrambledO,myselfreliance,bush,lake,lovelife,positive,experience,bål,overnatte,ute,peace,good,vibes,cheers
Video Transcription
hello boys and girls of YouTube today we're going out to my little lake here where I usually go fishing and we're going to do a little push craft count I'm going to try to put up my tarp and do a solo overnighter we're going to make a fire going to cook up some meat and we go to try fishing some trout so thanks for clicking that button and I hope you'll tag along for this little video it wide [Music]
okay found a little campsite here in the flat ground and some trees I can put up my tarp so let's close to the water so I can go down fishing let's get to work we'll try to put up song never done this performer put up my first ever talk shorter if it's crooked but I'm happy with it going to give me a shelter if it starts to rain it'll be nice and cozy if I if they choose to spend a night there [Applause]
let's build a fireplace ground SP wet so I'm going to put some flat rocks and the bottom on my fire pit it's time to go one weapon the woods Terrence can see if we can find some firewood some tinder get my supper my dinner fire going so I'm starting to get a bit hungry but first I'm going to find some wood then I'm going to try a few throws with my fishing rod see if there's any trout here check back later [Applause]
so that we look here somebody has cut down this tree looks like maybe few years ago we just left it here but it's not grounded it's nice and dry so I would try firewood [Applause]
okay I got the at my fishing gear ready and now I'm going to go down to the lake make some coffee and try to fish a little bit before suppertime [Music]
don't seem like the fishes willing to bite today I'm fishing now for about half an hour's it's pretty dead crack open a beer relax a little bit and then we head back to camp and make dinner
okay let's try to light this with a fire steel
that worked out better than expected [Applause]
so I'm just waiting now for my fire to burn down to embers so I can put my dealer I brought two smoked pork chops this camp of Pete these meats and bacon this is power in a can doesn't look that good but it doesn't taste that that was good their beer is good so now I'm just relaxing by the fire it's been a long day it's been a good day more people should get out to do stuff stuff like this or whatever just get out don't stay inside watching TV and get your brain rotted out you guys can watch a lot of bushcraft stuff in YouTube probably notice that I don't really know you know what the hell I'm doing so I'm pretty new at this this is actually my first bushcrafting trip but I like I got into this big dreaming about this for about two months I guess started watching channels on YouTube like Joe Robinette and my self-reliance and scrambled oh those guys really inspired me to get off the couch and get into nature get out and enjoy nature times like this it makes it really worth or all the hardware go walking around in the woods cutting cutting down trees finding firewood making fire pits putting up tarps it's really peaceful feels really good so I check back in when it's dinnertime oh that smells so good [Applause]
looks like it's done time to chow down [Applause]
that's good
pieces bacon and cytometer my whole med school works great doesn't look very good but it actually tastes real good that was the best dinner in a long time tell you that so I got maybe an hour hour and a half left with lights daylight so I'm going to try to fish for more I really wanna catch a trout today would make this good trip even better
yeah I got one one small trout but I let him go again you can grow bigger and I'm gonna catch him next year [Music]
we get to some nice religion weather here tonight surprised with ale I'm gonna have to get my stuff under the tarp oh my time came around now it's pitch-black around here boarding up some some tea nighttime tea before bedtime it's been a real good day real good day well half past 11 now it's time to crawl into the sleeping bag and try to get some sleep out here in the woods never done that before so it's kind of it's fun what are you doing out here in the woods alone anyhow shivers pursed his lips thoughtful don't take me for a madman but I heard a rumor you got rug three trees over here at the fact is it now all right sunshine another beautiful day out her in the bush
feels really fresh waking up in in this frozen landscape just gotta got a hot cup of cup of coffee in me so cold I can hardly speak now boiling up rest of my my meat and pea soup here it's not P like PE but you know what I mean [Applause]
get some hot food in me I think I have to go exploring some more today I don't want to go home right away I got the whole day and I have the day off tomorrow so he'll maybe I stay here I don't know if Mike might be it's picking up that a lot of birds here early in the morning waking me up that yes that's the best alarm clock I had a little flow live drinking your morning coffee in the woods at 7 a.m. in the morning something another done very often not sure I've ever done that to be the truth really beautiful it's so peaceful out here just just bird singing it was great [Music]
all packed up just finish up my Apple I brought along frozen apple I'm gonna track outta here I gotta interrupt on the car not to mark [Music]
okay guys so that's it for this time it's great to go out and do my first solo overnighter my little moose crab camp with harp I sure enjoyed it and I hope you did too if you're still watching now I'm just going to have to defrost my car so I can get I can get home I hope you liked it so if you want to see more content like this please subscribe and give it a thumbs up maybe even comments what what you think down below till next time wives good wives [Music]
About the Author

This channel is devoted to the good vibes in nature.
Hiking, Fishing, Camping, Bushcraft, Outside cooking, Exploring, Reviews, Adventure and learning about all the exiting things to do outdoors.
So please check out my videos, and if you like what you see subscribe,share and comment. More videos will come your way soon! =)
Good Vibes, GOOD VIBES!!
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- Mystical easter egg and Adventure food review.
- William Elliot Withmore - The chariot - cover by me.
- Learning BUSHCRAFT Ep2 - Shelter
- Fishing trout and drinking coffee. enjoying the outdoors.
- FISHING,Catch, cook and eat. Sea trout on the coast of Norway.
- Welcome to GoodVibesWilderness! Channel TRAILER