Canederli Bushcraft Cucina Outdoor Knödel - PeschoAnvi
In questo video faremo dei canederli allo speck in bel stile bushcraft. Canederli tirolesi con gulasch immersi in un bosco e sommersi dalla neve.
Ricetta per circa 8 canederli (4 persone):
Recipe for 8 knödel (4 persons):
150 g pane bianco/white bred
1/2 cipolla/onion
80 g di speck o pancetta/speck or bacon
40 g farina/flour
100 ml latte/milk
2 uova/eggs
burro / butter
sale e pepe/salt and pepper
Fare appassire la cipolla tritata nel burro ed aggiungere lo speck tagliato a piccoli cubetti.
Tagliare a cubetti il pane. Aggiungere farina, sale e pepe. Poi cipolla e speck. Mescolare di continuo possibilmente ogni volta quando si aggiunge un ingrediente.
Infine aggiungere prezzemolo , poi uova e solo alla fine il latte. Mescolare il tutto e fare riposare per 15 minuti prima di formare i canederli.
Mettere in acqua bollente per 15 min (se congelati 18 min)
Brown the chopped onion in butter, and add the speck cut into small cubes.
Cut also the bread into cubes. Add flour, salt and pepper. Then onion and bacon. Stir continuously, possibly every time when adding an ingredient.
Finally add parsley, then eggs and only at the end milk. Mix everything and let it rest for 15 minutes before forming the dumplings.
Put in boiling water for 15 min (if frozen 18 min)
In questo video:
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Canederli ai spinaci:
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Bushcraft dinner:
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#bushcraft #outdoors #survival #bushcraftitalia #trekking #outdooritalia #survivalitalia #natura #wilderness #outdoorsman #wildlife #cucinaoutdoor #canederli #knödel
Tags: pescho anvi,peschoanvi,bushcraft,outdoor,bushcraft italia,outdoor italia,survival italia,survival,trekking,canederli bushcraft,cucina outdoor,cucina bushcraft,bushcraft knödel,knödel,outdoor knödel,outdoor küche,canederli ricetta,canederli allo speck,canederli allo speck ricetta,wilderness,wildlife,wild cooking,outdoor kitchen,dumplings,bushcraft dumplings,extreme cooking,winter camping,bushcraft ita,bushcraft knife,bushcraft cooking,canederli,cucina
Video Transcription
Hello, welcome again to this new video.
We came back to this great place
where we did a nice Bushcraft Dinner
We add a pole for our chair
to be a little more comfortable
the tripod don't work very well at least
it's hard to stabilize on this ground i'm not sure i will use it
I have done a video where i cook some knödel - dumplings with spinach
and there were some request about a video how to make canederli so let's make some canederli - knödel Bushcraft Knödel in the outdoors Good vision! Let's see what we need...
not the weather changed
even if there is no more sun and it's snowing now
in effect i started doing the video yesterday the first "sunny" part was yesterday
until i notice that i forgot the ingredients
new day, same situation same place just the weather changed. nothing happend we will prepare everything here outdoors
dont't pay to much attention to the quantity
in the description of the video i will put a precise recipe
we need bread, white bread speck - bacon
i prefer speck eggs than we need flour
onion butter a bit of parsley salt and pepper
some milk or water today we use water, but i prefer milk.
let's cut the onion than the speck
it's better to cut in smal cubes
surely the most work
I cut strips than small cubes it's better for better results after
It requires patience same with bread later
we have cut the bacon and the onion. let's start a fire in butter we brown a bit the onion than we add the speck
not to much
just a bit, and add the speck
same patience with the bread
this recipe it is a classic kitchen of the poor
It was born using remains
like this bread a half-hardened bread at the time these recipes were invented
for not having to throw away nothing
at least how to use ingredients in another way
before having to throw them away
lets cut all the bread it start snowing more
we had to cover ourselves more from above
now we can make the mixture first always the dry stuff bread than add flour
a trick that my mom used to tell me
mix all the time again when you add an ingredient
now salt and pepper
mix now the onions with the speck
it's still frozen, we have -5 degrees
add parsley that we have cut in pieces mix
now the eggs
and just a bit of milk in this case we use water now lets mix the dough
mix it well
let it rest for 15 min (at home) here we risk that it frozen let's make the knödel it's easier with wet hands
press it well at first than make the round shape
the bread was still very wet from the falling snow :)
let's hope they stay together
we make 3 big knödel
the recipe in description
will be for 8 canederli at least four servings
we have some problems with fire and tripod and snow :)
a lot of snow fall also from above
and coverd our knödel
we do not give up more snow :)
the tripod was useful for a higher position for the pot to have a bigger flame below
outdoors and bushcraft
is not always like we see in much videos or tv everything perfect sunny days and wonderful constructions ;)
it's never like this from me it's more crooked and dirty it's so the water is boiling back to the knödel the recipe in description
is the recipe from my mother and she got it from her mother my grandmother
i have to keep attention at the fire
while boiling canederli
it seems the knödel remain together
i'm happy :) I brought also some goulash
looks not so bad some more minutes
after 15 min, they are done let's heat a bit the goulash
we can be happy more than happy
1 2 3
let's put some water for a coffee later
that's the result
i'm hungry
Buon appetito!
we wait for the coffee
we finished eating
It was a hard day i look horrible im wet i was freezing the bread was wet of snow we got a blizzard we got snow from above problems with tripod with fire but i feel happy and satisfied because I ate
you can take the recipe and double or triple it at home and put it in freezer
at home it is easier to make ;)
but i wanted to do it outdoors perhaps not in this conditions ;)
i hope you understand how to do it
cut in cubes
and put together ingredient after ingredient and mix fistr dry stuff bread salt pepper flour onions and bacon at least the more humid stuff, eggs and milk
I hope you like this Outdoor Bushcraft Knödel I would say that this is all for this time I'll se you at the next video See you next time. Ciao
About the Author

Pescho Anvi
Con questo canale cerco di farvi avvicinare al mio mondo e le mie passioni che sono
EN...everything that has to do with it is an important part of my life.
Tutti i test, recensioni o anteprime che faccio rispecchiano la mia opinione, e non sono una guida o un orientamento per altri.
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