One day hike backpack: selecting equipments as function of the trip
What's in my backpack for one day hike in the woods or in the mountain: gears, garments, food and water... Available alternatives have to deal with the intrinsic characteristics of the path and comply with the season. The information are valid for the intermediate and warm period, NOT for the winter, which requires special equipment and clothing.
Tags: backpack,hike,trekking,scouting,selecting equipment,mountaneering,carabiner,dynamic rope,cordage,paracord,folding knife,compass,map,folding saw,quickdraws,climbing harsess,climbing sling,climbing runners,Rappel devices,descenders,windproof jacket,waterproof jacket,poncho,pile pullover,wool hat,gloves,socks,water,food,cookies,boots,vibram,altimeter,barometer,whistle,first aid,minimalist,self-reliance,mindset,nordic walking
Video Transcription
welcome back in this video I would like to share the minimalist choices I do when setting up a backpack for one day hike this video does not claim to be exhaustive his focus is to show a personal point of view this video outlines the classical subject related to the typical question on what to put in the backpack avoiding those gears that because of the nature of the trip we remain unused I start from the assumption that you plan the tracking on the map and you know or you are inform about the area you are going to explore and last but not least you know how to read the map and use it together with a compass this video does not take in account any possible emergency situation and the approach is very minimalist if I move alone I always respect three elementary rules I leave a copy of the trip to my family members I never change my destination on the go I leave if and only if I marry good health hi we are strong and long trousers with wide side pockets strong and long sleeve shirts double socks to prevent blisters and a good brand boots with libram souls as far as the one day hike is concerned I split the staff in two different sets basic gear with food and subsidiary equipment strictly connected to the intrinsic characteristics of the trip skilled people will say I'm going to tell up you things but I try to imagine a novice a yahoo is looking for information that could compare this video with many other share on youtube in order to set up a backpack that could match his needs so let's see in detail what's in my backpack and what I use it for I never leave without half and sunglasses they are very useful to protect your head and eyes from both ultraviolet radiation and breeze or wind I carry several phone in my pockets switch it off useful when in trouble it's an historical model by Nokia strong reliable with the long-lasting batteries I with an integrated flashlight around my neck under the shirt i put a whistle to signal possible emergencies i must confess that these two items had always been silent companions in fact i never had the chance to use them but you know the troubles may arise suddenly so i never live without them a calm puzzle and a detailed map of the area i go hiking to find their place in the side pocket so that i can find them quickly this compass has the classical mirror used for targeting but it also comes useful for visual signaling simply reflecting the sunlight in the upper porch of the backpack I store an ad light usable in the unlikely event i made mistakes calculating the duration of the trip finding myself to work after the sunset in the dark it may happen and sometimes could be an interesting experience but it would be better to avoid it even skilled people can have trouble in the dark work in a boat or a long a mountain path as more digital device like this camera finds room in the upper porch as well in my opinion it helps to trace the memory of the hike I often carry a good binocular to look at the landscape a good fold in Seoul just like this one generally speaking is useful to make some multifunctional sticks but only because I'm not too much familiar with telescopic working poles have got a pair one but I use them only when I like to go faster doing activities like not a working without backpack this food is so is very efficient it cuts wood with minimal effort as you can imagine looking at the teeth it comes handy to open up a passage in case they found fallen trees or tangles or vegetation along the trail this might happen at the opening of the tracking season because of winters no or early spring wind storms moving away those obstacles is a praiseworthy work it means to keep clean the paths that are a common heritage some feet of cordage might be useful for ties to replace ladies of the boots or shoulder strap over the backpack to tie the poncho to your body in case of wind to make loops to fix sticks to the wrist like my father told me several times try to find or just in major other uses I never go out without carry several pieces of cordage I put in my pocket a sharp for the knife useful for small works this model is an open up very common in my region between scheffers farmers hunters and trackers to me it also comes handy at lunchtime in my case I get satisfied with three well Phil sandwiches but I also carry fruit juice and cereal cookies with kokia beans or more chunks of fruit I use them during breaks it's quite clear I belong to the engine school so i avoid to carry energy bars gatorade or similar artificial food but you must choose what better meet your preferences and budget in any case avoid leaving garbage in the wood instead shelters or in the top of the mountain these photos will depict what i mean and show the education of some s all italian trekkers food can be stored in convenient plastic bags or inside the box which avoid food to be compressed during the hike please feel free to choose what for you is the best solution a small box once empty can be used to collect and preserve wealth fruits or parts of efficient uplands but only if local laws permit harvest of wetlands one gallon of water per person is enough it's a tracking that cannot degenerate in a systematic search of a water source I find convenient a couple of plastic bottles that once empty can be crunched but also canteens can be used this depends on your choice but be sure to have a good stock of water depending on the season it's possible to carry also thermos filled with hot beverages but the boydell colleagues the warm sensation they give is ephemeral in my opinion you can drink alcoholics after dinner in a mountain shelter but not when you work for mice in the upper porch of the backpack I also store a pair of extra socks I will at the end of the hike in place of those i use all day long a poncho finds room inside the backpack as well and is the best solution when it's raining to protect buff body and backpack I place a windproof jacket on the backpack so it is always ready to be used you
I pull over made up I a pair of gloves and the wolf head that could cover my ears together with a banana to protect the neck are Caesers garments I carry only if I know to go higher than 3,000 feet or the season is still chilly who suffers were called may carry them in any season when it's windy in the mountains in the wood as well in some exposed alleys the body temperature creeps down quickly so i suggest to dress extra clothes to avoid catching a cold during breaks or a congestion from cold after lunch this backpack come forth playback it has padded shoulder strap and lumbar belt I use it during the more challenging trip in the mountains it has enough room to store all the described and there is a lot of spare space to carry other gear equipment as a matter of fact this is what i need for one day tracking but sometimes i need to add more stuff when I face very challenging place like a long loop path on the helps experience leads me to consider what i call unexpected events not only along extremely difficult ways but also a long difficult ways only when i go facing those trays I live with in mind a chance to cope with the keep roots also known as climbing routes when hiking on the dolomites of the beaten tracks but also on many times and Katya Alps I found myself in front of extremely exposed or collapse paths generally keep by volunteers of the association with steel robes I on roads driven into the rock in place of the path or steel stairs attached to the cliff you can deal with them I did it several times with my wife and son since it was five years old but it must be careful for this reason at the bottom of the backpack that i can open with the deep i put the bag containing the arnis two quick draws a couple of rebel devices or the genders some h msn speleology carabiner a couple of links or runners and some specific lines to rely is several kind of nodes at the end I insert the rock-climbing shock absorber today I do not give any specific explanation about these key ten years because I want to avoid that any mistake in my speech my transmit wrong concepts or information outside the backpack i hook up a coil of dynamic rope it's an extra weight and must admit it and I use it very suddenly most time as complementary tools of safety for my son while moving along dangerous climbing routes or when walking on extremely exposed paths of slopes where I prefer to tie anyone who shows some worry sometimes I've carried this rope during the tracking in the woods I pass it around the tree and I used a double drove to go down as low to shorten my way back home I don't suggest to do like me of course only during the trip on the mountain I carry an honorable t meter barometer I use it to check my high together with the map or notify any atmospheric pressure change that may sound like a weather alert is decreasing in value instead the net pooch of the backpack I inserted ziploc bag containing few essentials first I items that are one roll of bandages plus 1 yard of elastic net to fix the clothes six medium and large band aids three medium sized go which pads two cotton balls also usable as far starter one tunic a three piece of painkiller or energetic three piece of cortisone before carry and use any drug as to your doctor if you follow a specific therapy be sure to carry the drug you need to cover one day and like always thanks for watching I'll be back with a new video as soon as I can Oh
About the Author

Bushcraft, woodcraft, scoutismo, trekking, escursionismo, esplorazione, tecniche di base per la vita all'aria aperta e per l'autosufficienza, indicazioni su l'utilizzo di strumenti, attrezzature e armi. Alimentazione tradizionale, autoproduzione alimentare, conservazione e trasformazione dei cibi.
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