Quinze, a makeshift snow shelter (English)
This video shows how to make a snow shelter, a makeshift igloo also known as QUINZE.
I would like to start a new trend whose subject is the management of contingent situations that may occur during the practice of hiking or outdoor adventures. I will give simple suggestions, but these do not replace the common sense and practice, so what you find in my channel must be taken with the proper care.
Tags: quinze,snow shelter,igloo,makeshift igloo,fresh snow,digging a snow shelter,Winter survival,survivalism,winter camping,Cold,Ice,Storm,Folding shovel,Snowshoes,hypothermia protection,Shelter,Snow,Icy Flakes,Outdoor Adventures,Winter emergency,High Mountain Emergencies
Video Transcription
welcome back this video shows how to set up as no shelter a makeshift igloo also known as Queens m Hannity snowfall gives a good chance for teaching children the construction of a snow emergency shelter most likely my son will never use this skill but in case he will be able to cope with the subject I haven't got a camera so this short visa is a collection of the pictures we took while building this particular rule the Quincy was built in a controlled environment for educational purposes partially simulating a real emergency situation so we waited until the end of the no fall that give us 80 centimeter of fresh snow once they find the area suitable for construction which should only be a wooden glade or a middle start by digging a short trench where it will place a plastic bag filled with backpacks and sleeping bags has to form the core of the shelter from which later you will proceed with the excavation of the inner chamber I always suggest to bring along at least three large strong plastic bags want to waterproof the stuff used to create the core and two that come useful when pricing the snow a Quincy is actually made of fresh snow that should be pressed to give the shelter the right consistency uses no shoes or a folding show will start to accumulate snow on the bag pressing it as much as possible using the spare plastic bags which avoid a direct contact with the frozen flakes without the X is always better to operate with the waterproof blows because hands-free its quickly generally I place a stick close to the opening of the bag so I know its position once there's no heel is completed proceeding in circle we create a very compact hemispherical structure for two people in case of a temporary shelter the structure should have a base diameter of about three meters while for their high my experience suggests an MA See Mom or two meters measures refer to compacted snow after about 70 minutes we finish the snow we heal time was spent alternate is no to pressing operations because there was a lot of air between the flakes no dents no reduces construction time but it should be noted that in this case after a while you get more tired I said just to work by removing hiba clothing in order to sweet as late as possible because once finished the igloo sweet increases the risk of hypothermia the excavation of the inner chamber starts by exposing the opening of the plastic bag to remove what's inside so that it can slide out obtaining enough room to start the work of snow removal people alternates with inside dicks know who is outside pulls away the snow and helps the other guy in case the mound collapses it's extremely rare for this to happen because the snow is very compressed but it's better to be careful the digging space is limited in the beginning and this means a lot of hard work not to mention all the snow that drops down on your face and body a plastic bag with holes for the hands and head tied around the waist help to protect the upper part of the body however things go better as we made more room with my son we have simulated emergency and with Doug's pants in order to get inside as soon as possible generally you should never operate close to the emergency so 20 centimeters wooden sticks inserted radially from the outside we indicate to the digger which will be the limit of snow to be removed in my experience I live about 40 centimeters thick walls in the first third of the igloo why in the remaining two-thirds the thickness decreases to about 20 centimeters but never less than 15 once the inner chamber is completed smooth the wall by pressing the snow then read some ventilation holes along the perimeter of the quincy at two-thirds form the base we use a stick trimming the holes with the end-all of folding shovel in this educational Queens is not important but in real adverse conditions where temperatures fall dramatically you should create a tunnel or snow to protect the entrance or better close the entrance with the with the compact is no plate drill one or more vent all under the war the purpose of the shelter is to survive the frost avoiding to suffocate the structure is ready after about two hours and alpha of an interrupted work considering that my son is only 11 years old the inner chamber diameter is about two meters and third centimeters with an eye of about one meter and 30 centimeters the air gets warmer as you get in thanks to the poor thermal conductivity of the snow which insulates from the outside once finished two people can stay comfortably lie down inside to high altitude sleeping bags bringing inside the equipment as well remember to insulate the sleeping bag from the icy soil using the pile of pine branches otherwise you will be not properly protected against called sleep always with a head near to the entrance to get out quickly in case of need the Quincy lasted 18 days before succumbing to the temperatures that have been raised over 26 degrees for the first 10 days has kept on changing its shape then began to collapse and melt down thanks for watching it for your time I'll be back with a new video as soon as I can you
About the Author

Bushcraft, woodcraft, scoutismo, trekking, escursionismo, esplorazione, tecniche di base per la vita all'aria aperta e per l'autosufficienza, indicazioni su l'utilizzo di strumenti, attrezzature e armi. Alimentazione tradizionale, autoproduzione alimentare, conservazione e trasformazione dei cibi.
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