Ganzo G727M descrizione e test - ita (eng subs) ????
In questo video descrivo il Ganzo G727 che ho vinto grazie al giveaway organizzato dalla Ganzo sulla sua pagina Facebook.
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Tags: ganzo,review,bushkraft,g720,foldable,folder,tascabile,gearbest,steel,440c,batoning,blade,survival,escursionismo,escursionista,lionsteel,bushcraft italia,outdoor italia,survival italia,ganzoknives,ganzoitalia,knives,coltello chiudibile,coltello sopravvivenza,coltello a scatto,coltello boker,coltello caccia,ganzo g720,ganzo knife,ganzo axis lock,ganzo axis,axis lock,knive,coltello,outdoor,bushcraft,sopravivvenza,wilderness,wildlife,g727,ganzo g727
Video Transcription
Hi guys, in this video I show you a knife of Ganzo, the G727. I won the knife with the giveaway organized by Ganzo on his facebook page. The knife comes in a black carton box with the company name. let's see what's inside.
There is a small soft pouch and the knife. This is the Ganzo g 727 in the orange coloring. The length of the closed knife is 12 cm the height is 3.7 cm and the thickness 1.5 cm, 2 cm with the clip. its weight is 130 g. The closure system is the Axis Lock, on the blade there are two protrusions that allow the opening with the right or the left hand. The length of the blade is 9 cm, the total length is 21 cm, the height is 2.5 cm and the blade thickness is 35 mm. the handle is covered by the fiber g10, it is a fiber made of glass and epoxy resin. It is more valuable than the Micarta, but less carbon. It is used on mid-range knives. It has good resistance. The handle is scabrous for a better grip. The knife is perfect in all its parts, no bumps on the handle and do not mind even if I hold whit no gloves. on the back of the blade there is accommodation for the thumb The axis lock works good, it is possible to change the simplicity of the opening through a torx screw. as other models, it has a metal clip that can be moved or removed by unscrewing three torx screws. Ganzo suggests that the g727 is a knife for outdoor or for edc, in my opinion it can be a great knife for hunters, fishermen, hikers and for camping. As soon as I picked up I had a very good impression, both for the weight and for the compactness. I have also the G720 that I bought a few months ago, this is bigger and heavier than the g727. Having to choose between the two I will use the g727 for mountain hikes, instead when I go into the woods I will take the G720 which I think is more suitable for heavy work. in the little box you have seen some tests I did with g727, it behaved very well.
After the tests I'll show you the sharpening. I have not sharpened it. the knife is shipped already sharpened, I believe that the knife blade is at 40 degrees. that's it for today. I'm not an expert with knives, hope I didn’t say stupid things. I have given you my impression and I did a little comparison with G720. I would like to thank another time Ganzo for the giveaway Thanks for watching
See you in the next video, bye!
About the Author

The Mountain Rambler
Mi piace la natura e tutto ciò che la riguarda, adoro frequentare la montagna a piedi e con la mia mountainbike. Sul mio canale potrete trovare i video delle mie avventure su attività come Outdoor, Trekking, Mountain biking, Skiing e qualcosa sul bushcraft, un mondo che ho imparato a conoscere da poco ma che mi sta conquistando sempre di più. Inoltre ci saranno dei video con la descrizione di alcuni kit o con dei consigli soprattutto sul mondo MTB e trekking.
Cerco di pubblicare un nuovo video ogni dieci giorni, se non ne vuoi perdere nemmeno uno iscriviti al mio canale!
Buona visione
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